Make Your
Logo in Minutes

Create professional logos in minutes!

Edit a Logo Template

Select a template and personalize it by updating the text, images and colors to fit your style.

Powerful Tools and Features

AI Logo Generator

Enter your business name and preferences and get an original logo with custom graphics.

Editable Templates

Select a template and personalize it by updating the text, images and colors to make it your own.

Icon Maker

Describe the type of icon you need and our AI will create you an original graphic.

3 Easy Ways to Design Your Logo

Add text and graphics to the canvas to create a unique logo. Get started

Explore our beautiful and replaceable templates. You can customize the entire design to fit your branding needs by easily replacing the graphic, text, position and colors in just a few clicks. LogoMakr has made it easy for you to start your design without having designer skills. Choose a Template 

Unleash your creativity with our AI-powered logo generator! Instantly create 100% original graphics tailored to your brand. Edit, customize and download unique designs that are exclusively yours. Perfect for businesses, entrepreneurs, and creatives seeking standout branding. Get Started

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